Three signs you’re addicted to work

Three signs you’re addicted to work

Running a small business is hard work. Entrepreneurs know they have to put in long days and give up personal time in pursuit of success. There’s a line, however, between putting in some extra time and becoming addicted to work, and it’s important to know...
Benefits of money mindfulness

Benefits of money mindfulness

If you’re like most people you’ve probably gone for periods of time without really thinking about how you spent your money. Maybe you even avoided looking at your bank statement so you wouldn’t see how much money you spent and how little you saved....
Technology toolbox for trades

Technology toolbox for trades

When you run your own trade business, your life involves a lot of long days being on job sites while managing projects, staff, and clients. There probably are not enough hours in the week for you to deal with all the issues that arise while keeping your customers...
How to conquer your inbox

How to conquer your inbox

Be honest: is email helping or harming your business? At its best email can be a highly convenient and cost-effective tool for marketing and customer service – but without a plan in place for managing it, your inbox can easily get out of control, creating unwanted...